BrainAtlasVersions: SwansonBM library
Related schema specification: BrainAtlasVersion
metadata sheet
- @id:
- @type:
- abbreviation:
- digitalIdentifier:
- fullName:
Swanson’s Brain Maps: Structure of the Rat Brain
- hasTerminology:
- homepage:
- howToCite:
Swanson, L.W. (2004) Brain maps: structure of the rat brain, 3rd edition.
- releaseDate:
- shortName:
Swanson’s Brain Maps
- versionIdentifier:
3rd ed.
- versionInnovation:
The book’s third edition has returned to the large format of the first, and its photo of each atlas level with accompanying drawing of gray and white matter distribution. The new feature is a second drawing that illustrates major features of gray matter regionalization in a color-coded way that is carried through the flatmaps of the rat CNS (Frontispiece, Fig. 11, and poster) and the hierarchical nomenclature tables of section VIII. Changes to the Original Atlas: Two general types of change have been made to the second [editor note: 3rd] edition of the atlas. New architectonic information has been incorporated, and these changes are reflected in the annotated nomenclature tables, whose general organization has been improved. The following structures have been added or modified significantly: auditory areas (cortex), bed nuclei of the stria terminalis (simplified), capsular part of the central amygdalar nucleus, caudoputamen, ventral part of the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus, globus pallidus, internuclear area of the hypothalamic periventricular region, lateral hypothalamic area (parcelled), midbrain reticular nucleus, nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (parcelled), nucleus of the solitary tract, parasolitary nucleus, ventral premammillary nucleus, peripeduncular nucleus, parastrial nucleus, preparasubthalamic nucleus, parasubthalamic nucleus, anterior parvicellular part of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, subparaventricular zone of the hypothalamus, substantia innominata, stria medullaris, parvicellular part of the subparafascicular nucleus (parcelled), temporal association areas (renamed), tuberal nucleus (parcelled), ventrolateral preoptic nucleus, ventrolateral hypothalamic tract. In addition, a limited number of spelling changes have been made. The American spelling of words like “taenia” has been adopted (“tenia”), and “amygdalar” has been substituted for “amygdaloid” and “amygdala”. For earlier versions of the atlas see CD-ROM files C1-3. See [full documentation](, section: Preface and Chapter III: Preparation and Use of the Atlas.